[NEohioPAL] Roy Berko reviews Broadway: SWEAT

Roy Berko via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon May 22 08:45:53 PDT 2017

*••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *

*Capsule judgement: Theater represents the era from which it comes, and
“Sweat” clearly and shockingly tells the depressing tale of what went on
during the financial downturn of this country and the resulting hysteria
and desperation by a group of people who felt they had been disenfranchised
by big business, betrayed by their government, and sold out by their union
and political leaders.  It is an important play which fulfills the
educational obligation of the arts.  It’s a script that is sure to be
produced by many theatres as soon as its Broadway run concludes.*

*To read the entire review go to:  **www.royberko.inf*
<http://www.royberko.info> <http://www.clevelandtheaterreviews.com>

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