Joseph Bauer via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Sep 4 05:52:44 PDT 2017

*Occupation Wiseguy*, a graphic novel by a native son, Cleveland author
Joey Bauer, on Amazon kindle now, is a hot read! Based on a shockingly true
story, it revisits the glory days when our fair city’s colorful home-grown
gangster elite: the anti-heroes, Angelo Lonardo, John Scalish, Frank
Broncato, Shondor Birns, Al Polizzi, Tommy Mc Ginty and their colorful
entourage were rock stars and explosive mob enforcer, the much feared Ice
Pick Angie De Nello, was the first one they called and the last man you
want to meet; he was bullet proof, until iconic New York hitman, Crazy Joe
Gallo, brought his gun to town, and then he wasn’t. Other celebrities at
Angie’s exclusive surprise party included the Three Kings: Meyer Lansky,
Lucky Luciano and Bugsy Siegel, and there were fireworks galore to send the
guest of honor off with a bang. If you love    “The Godfather,”
“Goodfellas” and “The Sopranos,” this one will blow you away; a real
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