[NEohioPAL] Berko preview: "ISRAEL IN EGYPT" by Apollo's Fire

Roy Berko via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Sep 4 07:03:41 PDT 2017


*After selling out concerts at Tangelwood, in Madrid, Spain and BBC
programs in London, Apollo’s Fire comes home to open its 2017-2018 season
with “Israel in Egypt.” “Israel in Egypt” Handel’s Oratorio vividly traces
the Israelites’ escape from Egypt.  Filled with sumptuous music, the
adaptation by Jeanette Sorrell, the orchestra’s musical director, will
feature Apollo’s Singers as well as performances by soprano Erica Schuller,
countertenor Daniel Moody, tenor Ross Hauck and baritone Jeffrey Strauss.*

*To read the entire preview of "Israel in Egypt" by Apollo's Fire go to:  *
*www.royberko.info* <http://www.royberko.info>


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