[NEohioPAL] A New Community to help Artists get Funded

alexpmichaels@prelude2cinema.com via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Tue Sep 5 00:44:01 PDT 2017

Prelude2Cinema  has a new mission and a new community and it involves "moving beyond" Cleveland. 

Find out more about our Community here.

So we invite you to our new community and our new mission involves helping others. So we want to thank you for supporting us by supporting you. Use our Community  to voice your opinion, promote your brand and connect with those who will support you.

Alex P. Michaels
Cleveland Cinema Czar
"There are no Small Movies,
Only Small Budgets"

To join "The Prelude2Cinema Crusade for a Cinema Industry," visit   http://prelude2cinema.com/wordpress2/join-our-crusade/

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