[NEohioPAL] Seeking Filmmakers for Funding

alexpmichaels@prelude2cinema.com via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Wed Sep 6 17:56:31 PDT 2017

Prelude2Cinema is creating a "Cinema/ Business Accelerator" for filmmakers in Northeast Ohio. This would be like LaunchHouse, Flashstarts and Jumpstart but it would only focus on providing business support and funding for those who make movies. Our focus will not be on the production aspect of the business. There are film schools who teach that and there are very talented filmmakers here who already have the skills to make a movie. Our focus will be on marketing the movie and making an income and a career. We also want to provide funding. First thing is we need to know whether there is a demand to learn how to make money from movies and receive funding. The program would begin in Northeast, Ohio. Please contact here if you would be interested in attending a workshop which explains the Accelerator. If you wish to be a Partner in helping us, please contact us as well.

We will put updates here and on our Community.

Alex P. Michaels
Cleveland Cinema Czar
"There are no Small Movies,
Only Small Budgets"

To join "The Prelude2Cinema Crusade for a Cinema Industry," visit   http://prelude2cinema.com/wordpress2/join-our-crusade/

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