[NEohioPAL] Free Playwriting Workshop & Craft Talk with Dramatists Guild

Playwrights Local via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Sep 7 06:18:14 PDT 2017



Presented by Playwrights Local

& The Dramatists Guild of Ohio

Join Playwrights Local and The Dramatists Guild (Ohio Region) for a free
playwriting workshop and craft talk on Saturday, September 23 from 12:00
noon to 3:30 pm.

Both sessions will be presented as part of Playwrights Local's 3rd Annual
Cleveland Playwrights Festival
<http://www.playwrightslocal.org/3rd-annual-cleveland-playwrights-festival/> at
the Creative Space at Waterloo Arts
in North Collinwood.

Registration or tickets are not required. Classes are intended for adults
and teens, but are otherwise open to all.

12:00 pm

Workshop: “Cross-Pollination: The Art of Adapting Works for the Stage”

With Eric Schmiedl

Adaptation has been a component of western theatre since Sophocles first
dreamed of putting Oedipus on stage. And, the current success of The
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, Fun Home, and Hamilton
indicate that theatrical adaptation is alive and well in the 21st Century.
This workshop seeks to discover the basic steps in transforming
non-theatrical works into drama for the stage. And, it’s practical! Bring
your writing utensils and your imagination! (1:45)

2:00 pm

Craft Talk: “Working with New Plays: The Director’s Perspective”

With Sarah Greywitt, Anjanette Hall, and Dale Heinen; moderated by Les

In this craft talk, Sarah Greywitt, Anjanette Hall, and Dale Heinen address
the ways in which contemporary directors approach new plays. Presented as a
panel discussion and moderated by Les Hunter, this session provides
insights on how new work is interpreted by established collaborators.
Essential for playwrights, but open to all. (1:30)

The 3rd Annual Cleveland Playwrights Festival will be held at the Creative
Space at Waterloo Arts
397 E. 156th Street, Cleveland, OH 44110.

Find complete information, including a parking map, at
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