[NEohioPAL] Final Reminder - Auditons this Sunday for Willy Wonka and The Diary of Anne Frank at Playmakers

Rachel Zake via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Sep 7 06:56:54 PDT 2017

  GoodMorning! Auditionsare THIS SUNDAY for the first two shows of the Playmakers Youth Theatre2017-2018 season: Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka and The Diary of Anne Frank!! Please see details below as well as a link to the audition page.  Please feel free to email or call with any questions.  Weare very excited for this season and can't wait to get started!  See youthere.  :) RoaldDahl's Willy WonkaOpen togrades 2-9AuditionDate: Sunday September 10AuditionTime: 1-3pm (grades 2-5); 3-5pm (grades 6-9) AuditionLocation: Mandel JCCPleaseprepare a verse and a chorus of a Broadway song in the style of the show. You may also be asked to attend a callback on Monday September 11, 2017.PerformanceDates: December 7-17 (two casts; each cast performs for one weekend) The Diaryof Anne FrankOpen togrades 8-12AuditionDate: Sunday September 10AuditionTime: 5-7pmAuditionLocation: Mandel JCCPleaseprepare a short monologue.  You may also be asked to read from the script.PerformanceDates: November 9 and 12 Link to audition page and packet(also attached): http://www.mandeljcc.org/index.php?submenu=_auditions&src=gendocs&ref=auditions&category=Playmakers&submenu=playmakers_youth_theatre&hurl=n Rachel ZakeDirector of Playmakers Youth TheatreDirector of The Francine and Benson Pilloff FamilyPerforming Arts CampMandel Jewish Community Center of Cleveland26001 South Woodland RoadBeachwood, OH 44122phone: 216-831-0700 ext.1494rzake at mandeljcc.orgwww.mandeljcc.org 
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