[NEohioPAL] WRP is Offering Their First Ever Directing Class!

B W via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Sep 7 08:57:40 PDT 2017

Our first ever directing class will be taught by three-time OCTA & six-time Georgie Award winning Director & Actor, Co-Artistic Director Brian Westerley!

The class will be presented on Saturdays, 10/7 – 11/25 from 1PM-3PM. Cost is $150. Accepting eight students per class. If more than eight students apply, an additional class may be added.

At the end of the eight weeks, the class will present the scenes they have chosen to an audience.  Please email Brian at brianw at westernreserveplayhouse.org<mailto:brianw at westernreserveplayhouse.org> for more information & to sign up.
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