[NEohioPAL] REVIEW: Players Guild BEAUTY and the BEAST

Tom Wachunas via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Mon Sep 25 10:45:30 PDT 2017

 We’ve Been Served

By Tom Wachunas

“…Ever just the same /Ever a surprise/Ever as before/

Ever just as sure…”  - lyricsfrom Beauty and the Beast

    With its current production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, directedby Jonathan Tisevich, the PlayersGuild Theatre offers yet another pièce derésistance of theatrical art. In keeping with the ebullient spirit of oneof its signature songs, “Be Our Guest,” think of this show as a lovinglyprepared, extravagant banquet served piping hot by an exuberant, impassionedcast. 

   As the heroine,Belle - whose dreams of a better world are inspired by her passion for books -Rachel Smith is a thoroughly charming newcomer to the stage. Yet in both heracting and singing, she’s no mere diamond-in-the- rough. For all of heryouthfulness, she’s a remarkably complete performer - a refined, multi-facetedjewel as it were - gracefully exhibiting all the subtle variations of light anddarkness built into this classic tale of redemptive love. The emotive power inthe gentle vibrato of her singing voice is a marvelous instrument in itself, effectivelyfinessing her character’s innocence, feisty independence, and vulnerability.

   Early in the story,Belle’s father, Maurice, an affectionate and sweetly peculiar man played byRalph Cooley, gets lost in the woods and imprisoned in the castle of theerstwhile Prince who was at the time cursed to be a Beast forever unless he canlearn to love and be lovable. Belle offers herself in exchange for her father’srelease. Her disarming, authentic tenderness and love will eventually transformher jailer’s hardened heart. 

   As the Beast, SeanFleming is certainly a fearsome physical entity, but he’s also a soaringspiritual and emotional presence, embodying real pathos. Smitten and empoweredby Belle’s unrestrained selflessness, he’s fascinating to watch as he slowlysheds his toxic bitterness to reclaim his humanity.   

   Mason Stewart givesus a muscular portrayal of the dashing and dastardly Gaston. Authoritative andcomical, Gaston is nevertheless a self-absorbed, feckless, and cruel trophyhunter, obsessed with marrying Belle who in turn fiercely resists his advances.Undeterred, he struts about town with  exaggerated machismo, much to the delight ofthree ‘silly girls’ – played with ditzy abandon by Kaylah Lehman, AaliyahKinnard, and Alexis Wilson - who vie for his affections while swooning over hisevery word. Anthony Woods-Mitchell is similarly giddy in his role of thefawning Lefou, Gaston’s unreasonably loyal punching bag. 

   Meanwhile in thecastle, even the domestic staff has been infected by the Beast’s plight. They’reprogressively turning into inanimate objects. With their visceral Frenchaccents and incessant flirting, Justin Woody as the lascivious candlestick,Lumiere, and Desiree Hargrave as the frenetic feather duster, Babette, arehilarious. Jacob Sustersic is delightfully engaging as a clock named Cogsworth,the jittery sentinel trying to maintain order and proper castle etiquetteamidst titillating operatic outbursts from Tehilah Caviness, who plays a fancywardrobe. And Julie Connair, as Mrs. Potts the teapot, articulates a whollysoothing energy of motherly hope, comforting Chip, her teacup son, played byNoah Tisevich, equally endearing as he voices his desire to be a real boyagain.

      Setting the well-appointed table for thisaesthetic feast with inventive magical effects and visuals are scenic designerJoshua Erichsen with master carpenter Micah Harvey, lighting and sound designerScott Sutton, and costumer Stephen Ostertag. The cast performs Michael Lawrence Akers’ robust choreography withinfectious panache, especially in one of the evening’s most raucous numbers,“Gaston,” featuring a wildly complex rhythmic flurry of clinking beer mugs. Andthe live orchestra directed by Steve Parsons brings exhilarating aural depth tothe proceedings.

   I think one versein “Be Our Guest” still resonates as best illustrating the inspired motivationbehind this Players Guild production: “Lifeis so unnerving / For a servant who’s not serving / He’s not whole without asoul to wait upon…”  In navigatingthe often ambiguous boundaries between technically excellent entertainment, so abundantly evidenthere, and truly impactful art, this castand crew have literally taken that lyrical sentiment to heart and effectivelybecome the collective, compelling soul of a servant. 

   And so it is that inthe end, I had the wondrously uncanny sensation of being embraced and otherwiseartfully…loved. 

   Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, PlayersGuild Theatre Mainstage, Cultural Center for the Arts, 1001 Market Avenue N.,Canton, Ohio / THROUGH OCTOBER 8 – Shows Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., Sundayat 2 p.m. / Tickets $29 adults, $26 seniors, $22 for 17 and younger / Order at www.playersguildtheatre.com orcall 330.453.7617 

For other commentaries by Tom Wachunas on the performing andvisual arts in the greater Canton area, please visit his blog, ARTWACH, at www.artwach.blogspot.com 

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