[NEohioPAL] Only a few days till Auditions for Nuncrackers @ Cassidy!

The Cassidy Theatre via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Sep 28 10:37:49 PDT 2017

Cassidy Theatre is seeking men, women, and children for its holiday
musical  Nuncrackers, The Nunsense Christmas Musical!

Direction & Musical Direction by Mike Caraffi
Choreography by Melanie Leibold

*Audition Dates:*
October 1, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
October 3, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Callbacks (by invitation of the director, as needed):
October 4, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

*What to Bring*
A current and up-to-date Headshot and Resume, a vocal selection of your
choosing, and comfortable clothes for movement/dance. An accompanist will
be provided for the auditions. No monologues necessary - reading from the
script will occur at callbacks, as needed.

NUNCRACKERS is presented as the first TV special taped in the Cable Access
Studio built by Reverend Mother in the convent basement. It stars the nuns
you love, plus Father Virgil, and four of Mount Saint Helen’s most talented
students. Featuring all new songs including Twelve Days Prior to Christmas,
Santa Ain’t Comin’ to Our House, We Three Kings of Orient Are Us and It’s
Better to Give than to Receive, this show is filled with typical NUNSENSE
humor, some of your favorite carols, and a “Secret Santa” audience
participation. We’re certain this NUNSENSE Christmas Show will make you
laugh, and maybe tug at your heartstrings. It’s the perfect way to insure
that your holiday season is merry and bright!

*Character Breakdown*
(5 female; 1 male)

*Sister Mary Regina* — (Reverend Mother) ) is the Mother Superior of the
Little Sisters of Hoboken. She tries to be strict and keep order, but
things often get out of her control. She grew up in a circus family, and
her “showbiz” background and sense of humor always shine through her
attempt at creating a tough exterior.

*Sister Mary Hubert *– is the Mistress of Novices. She is second in command
to Mother Superior. She wanted to be a nun all her life and at times finds
it difficult to deal with problems she firmly believes are created by
Mother Superior’s ineptness. She is very practical. She and Mother Superior
have a healthy and humorous rivalry.

*Sister Robert Anne* — also voice of the puppet nun, Sister Mary Annette –
is a
streetwise nun from Brooklyn, New York. She is one tough cookie but has a
heart and soul of gold. The students love her because she “speaks their
language.” She feels she has real theatrical potential and is constantly
frustrated by Reverend Mother’s refusal to let her “star” in the show

*Sister Mary Paul* — (also known as Amnesia) was hit on the head with a
crucifix and for a long period didn’t remember who she was. Now, everyone
knows she is Sister Mary Paul, a country singer who jump-started her
recording career as the first nun to appear at the Grand Ole Opry. Even
though she has her memory back, she always seems to be a “little vacant”
but innocently endearing.

**Sister Mary Leo* — (optional role), a novice in the first three shows,
now has her black veil. She is very excited to be in the Christmas show
because Reverend Mother has allowed her to dance in the Nutcracker Ballet.
Sister Leo has dedicated her life to becoming the first famous nun

*Father Virgil Manly Trott* - is Sister Mary Leo’s “real-life” brother. He
is a Franciscan Father of Fort Wayne and grew up in the Mississippi Delta
where he and his sister were part of the Trott Family Singers. He now has
his own radio show, and the sisters invited him to participate in the
Christmas program because they knew he could give them pointers on
presenting a good show.

*Brothers & Sisters of the Mount Saint Helens Convent* - Ensemble, any age.

*Mount Saint Helens Youth Chorus Members* - Ensemble of Eight Kids, Grades
1 - 8.

*Sister Mary Leo appears only at the top of the show (and is usually
portrayed by an assistant stage manager or other backstage crew person).

For any questions you may have, give us a ring at The Cassidy Theatre by
calling (440) 842-4600. Thank you, and hope to see you at auditions!
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