[NEohioPAL] Wake Up And Live 's “‘Tricks of the Trade:’ Diction, Dialogue & Speaking Techniques for Effective Performances, Presentations & Total Image Impact” Coaching

sue holland johnson via NEohioPAL neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org
Thu Sep 28 12:16:11 PDT 2017

Wake Up And Live 's “‘Tricks of the Trade:’ Diction, Dialogue & Speaking Techniques for Effective Performances, Presentations & Total Image Impact”    Coaching    

To Public Speakers,  Actors & Other Performers ....
     How do you feel about speaking or performing to small or large groups?      How about making public presentations, workshops, meetings, conferences, etc.?     Do you know that as a public speaker, you're considered a performer?     Nervous?  Afraid? "Frozen?"
     What can you do about it?

Have you considered private coaching ?“WUAL:   
 WHAT : "Tricks of the Trade" uses an “actor’s” process, i.e. Audition - Rehearse – Perform – Review, to become a better speaker & performers . Acting Techniques to Enhance Public Speaking & Performance " is formatted as a TV "Advice"talk show where  participants   give and get answers to help improve their “performance” status through public speaking, interviewing, and professional image impact skills.  
Public Speaking “Rehearsals,” “Performances” and “Director’s Review,” will include, but not be limited to, addressing the following: Improving language usage, grammar, diction, and articulation; Breaking distracting, ineffective speaking habits and behaviors; Using “improvisational” techniques to improve fast, on-your-feet-thinking, saying and doing;  using basic actor’s tools: voice, facial expressions, gestures, mannerisms, body language and movement; Breaking  down barriers and connecting with the audience; Identifying techniques to control  nervousness and respond to surprises;  Learning to bounce back from ‘flubs’; Discovering and embodying the empowering ‘who-what-when-where-why-&-how’ acting techniques to transform into a successful speaker and performer.. WHO:  For . . . Career & Business Professionals, Performing Artists, Job-seekers, Motivational, Sales & Other Public SpeakersWHEN:   Private coaching by appointmenttWHERE: Shaker Hts.WHY:  “To be ready for your "close-up” performance in front of your audience, clients, co-workers, managers & others to whom you want to sell you, your performance, products, services or inspirational message.     HOW:    Individualized sessions, designed to assist you become  more effective in delivering dynamic performances, presentations, lectures, and conducting large and small-group meetings.Thank you . . .
Sue H. JohnsonDirectorWake Up And Live's Actors' StudioProducer, "Wake Up and Live With the Arts"wakeupandlives at gmail.com
About Sue Johnson & Wake Up And Live's Actors' StudioSue Johnson, SAG/AFTRA, Director of the Wake Up And Live's Actors' Studio,  is an actor, director, producer and coach. Sue produces, directs and co-hosts “Wake Up And Live With the Arts."” which celebrates and showcases the diversity of performing and cultural artists in northeast Ohio,  Johnson’s “Tricks of the Trade: Craft, Career & Professional Development” workshops.  and private coaching are well-known throughout the performing arts and business community. For more information about the Wake Up and Live's Actors' Studio, “PlayActs” Performances, Productions, Training or, about being a guest on “"Wake Up And Live With the Arts,” email: wakeupandlives at gmail.com.              WAKE UP And LIVE’s Actors’ Studio is a non-profit 501©3 organization dedicated to education and the performing arts.  Established in 1997, we have provided aspiring and experienced performing artists with an opportunity to learn,                  improve and practice their crafts and skills through “PlayActs” Performances, which provides actors and performing artists the opportunity to showcase their talents through plays, prose, poetry, performance pieces, dance and music.
WUAL Playlist:   https://www.youtub e.com/playlist?list=PL490E9107 8C2251D3Scroll down and see some of your favorite artists.  See the incredible amount of work which has brought a variety of artists to the community.. . . . . . . . . . 

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