Donald Carrier dcarrier at clevelandplayhouse.com
Fri Sep 29 11:13:43 PDT 2017

We are looking for people to appear as recognizable rock stars for an outdoor event at the Rocksino on October 18, 2017. You would need to be available for a fitting prior to the event as well as on October 18th from 11:30-4:30. This is for the opening of Rocksino's gas station. You would be posing and milling with customers.

The payment is $300.00.

If interested and available, please email donaldcarrier at gmail.com<mailto:donaldcarrier at gmail.com> with a photo, resume (if you have one) as well as a suggestion of WHO you might appear as. We will costume and wig people for this event.

We particularly need a Brittni Spears,  Madonna, Michael Jackson, Ozzy Osborne, Lady Gaga, Dolly Parton, Diana Ross, Kiss...anyone VERY recognizable...etc...but suggestions welcome.

You do NOT have to provide wardrobe but if you DO have something, that would be great as well.

PLEASE RESPOND ASAP. Thanks so much.
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