[NEohioPAL] Western Reserve Playhouse Presents "80 Minutes"!

B W montecount at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 1 11:05:55 PDT 2017

Western Reserve Playhouse ends their 2017 season by presenting 80 Minutes, a collection of original twenty minute plays, which will run October 6, 7 & 8.

The show consists of four plays, all with different directors: "Intermission" written by Harlan Friedman-Romell, directed by Brandi Eaton; "A Match Remade in Heaven" written by Amanda Terman, directed by Brianna Laybourn; "MixMatched.com<http://MixMatched.com>" written by S. Von Schmedelson, directed by Keith Stevens; & ”The Interview" written by Peter Fields, directed by Karen Rose.

The cast features plenty of talented local performers, including: Jay Hill, Bernadette Hisey, Shani Ferry, Theresa Dean, Walt Kaminski, Adrienne Jones, Ryanne Fury, Chris Herak, Vince Sarowatz & Sue Jeromson.

Show Times: 8:00 pm Friday & Saturday; 2:00 pm Sunday

Tickets: $10.00 for everyone

To reserve tickets, please visit our website: www.westernreserveplayhouse.org<http://www.westernreserveplayhouse.org>

The theatre is located at 3326 Everett Rd., Bath, OH 44286
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