[NEohioPAL] Help make the ghosts of League Park come to life at the Baseball Heritage Museum this Halloween

Margaret Reardon margaret_reardon at att.net
Tue Oct 3 15:27:06 PDT 2017

Hi all-

I am looking for people interested in participating in our first ever BOO at the Museum on Saturday October 28 from 10-2 pm.

Specifically looking for actors interested in portraying Negro League players and Women's league players (think League of Their Own) in cameos around the  park. Also spectators from back in the day  (1891- 1940s).
Compensation will  range from $75- 100 depending on the role.  Spaces  are limited. 
Please email me at margaret_reardon at att.net  or margaret at baseballheritagemuseum.org  and explain why you are interested. Including past "baseball experience" video and audio clips would be a plus.
 Also If anyone has vintage baseball uniforms or anything else they would like to  loan, with credit, to make this a great experience we'd like to hear about it.

|   |  |   Margaret Reardon
 Administrator, The Baseball Heritage Museum   2167891083 | www.baseballheritagemuseum.org | 6601 Lexington Avenue Cleveland OH 44103  


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