[NEohioPAL] Casting Notice

James Waters james at cantonfilm.com
Wed Oct 4 19:41:10 PDT 2017


   Project title: Mattress Comparision 2-3 Minute Video

   Union membership status:  Union or non-union actors

   Shooting dates and location: October, 2-4 days, Cleveland OH

   Breakdown of roles: Male 35-55, Energetic Quirky, a little Nerdy, but
   fun and relatable.  The character is to come across as Alton Brown (
   <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alton_Brown>).  The character needs to
   read a very matter of fact but enjoyable.

   Payment amounts and other details: Paid

   Submittal guidelines: Requesting headshots, résumés, demo reels, and a
   VIDEO AUDITION. Email to james at clumcreative.com


(Prof): Quality Products, plus Factory Direct pricing equals great Value—

(Prof): Value…. Value… Value...AANNND

(Prof): Value!!!

(Prof): Mattresses that last longer...

Designed with Better Material…

Inner Springs with Better Support…

I got it!!!

Come with me!!!

(Prof): Now, on top of the box spring sits the mattress itself—

(Prof): Inside our Orthopedic mattresses are super supportive springs to
actively support you.

We use heavy gauge coils in our mattresses, which provide nearly twice as
much support as other brands!

(Prof): Now, imagine these dense, spherical objects are the weight of your

With this simple test, we will show you how the innerspring system work as
a network to support you.

(Prof) (VO): This works because our innerspring is built with coils that
extend across the entire mattress, giving you full end-to-end and
side-to-side support.

And if you could look at our mattress and the other brands. You’d see that
they eliminate coils and replace them with low-density foam rails.

(Prof): I know you’re thinking, “How do you pack ALL of this VALUE together
for a lot lower price than the competition?”

(Prof): It’s by selling directly to YOU our customer. Eliminating the

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