[NEohioPAL] Costumes needed for BOO at the Museum - The Baseball Heritage Museum

Margaret Reardon margaret_reardon at att.net
Sun Oct 8 11:08:05 PDT 2017

Dear Friends-
Do you  have vintage looking baseball uniforms? Or costumes that could recreate the look of spectators at ballgames in the 30s-50s?They are needed for our first Halloween event on Saturday October 28 from 11 am to 1 pm. Our ideas are big  but our budget is limited. You would get full credit in our programming and our undying gratitude. 
Please email me at margaret_reardon at att.net or margaret at baseballheritagemuseum.org.Thanks!Margaret 

|  |  | Margaret Reardon
Administrator, The Baseball Heritage Museum2167891083 | www.baseballheritagemuseum.org |6601 Lexington Avenue Cleveland OH 44103


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