[NEohioPAL] REVIEW: "Waiting for Godot" at the Beck

Laura Kennelly lkennelly at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 19:06:45 PDT 2017

Waiting for Godot @ The Beck Center, Oct. 6-Nov. 5

Review by Laura Kennelly

The Beck Center contemplates life in Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett’s
post-World War II drama. Director Eric Schmeidl and the five-member cast
offer an impressive and thought-provoking presentation.

The tight confines of the Beck’s Studio Theater are perfect for this
famous, yet annoyingly existentialist, play that dares to question man’s
purpose. Yes, it’s Serious Drama with capital letters, but it’s also quite
funny in spots (even if you are the only one laughing at times).

Beckett, like others of his era, strove to see life’s essentials (think
Picasso’s later works featuring skulls, roses, abstract landscapes). It is
in such a barren landscape, created by Aaron Benson (set designer), and
Trad A. Burns (lighting designer) that our play opens. We see Vladimir/Didi
(a sympathetic Michael Mauldin) wandering around singing and talking to
himself. He is soon joined by Estragon/Gogo (an energetic, yet practical
William Hoffman). Both are seniors who have been together for years and
they are still waiting for the promised appointment with Mr. Godot.

Pozzo (Brian Pedaci) and his slave Lucky (Allan Byrne) join them, sometimes
duplicating personality dynamics apparent in Vladimir and Estragon. Both
Pedaci and Byrne enliven the stage when they appear--adding an additional
note of physical comedy. Effectively switching between being assertive and
scared, Jake Spencer, as “Boy” brings them hope with the message that “Mr.
Godot” says he will come “tomorrow.”

But the show belongs to Vladimir and Estragon as the two old friends
bicker, embrace, philosophize, and wait for Godot. Nothing happens, really,
except (this is a big “except”) the purpose of life is stripped of any
other purpose than to meet Godot (who some might assume is “God”).

Bottom Line: I didn’t think I’d be recommending this show because its
thesis is depressing, but I find I must: This outstanding production
quietly and strongly reminds us that life is, indeed, absurd. Beckett asks
that we devise our reasons for embracing it anyway.

Tickets are available at beckcenter.org or by calling 216 521 2540.

Laura Kennelly
440- 973-6636
Berea, OH 44017

Cool Cleveland Reviews <http://coolcleveland.com/search/laura+Kennelly>
artstillmatters.com <http://artstillmatters.blogspot.com/>
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