[NEohioPAL] Fwd: Fall Classes at Ensemble Theatre

Ensemble Theatre info at ensemble-theatre.org
Wed Oct 11 15:27:09 PDT 2017

*Script Analysis: The Heart of the Form*
Meets: Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm

             Oct. 17 through Dec. 19th

(8 classes over 10 weeks - no class Oct. 31st or Nov. 21st)

Instructor: Tyler Whidden, Associate Artistic Director

An exploration of the structure, plot designs, and execution of a series of
classic and contemporary plays; some that follow basic structure and some
that try to play with the form. This weekly discussion group will read a
play a week and discuss how the playwright’s use of basic tools of
playwriting (theme, dialogue, plot, character, etc.) and structure work to
tell the play’s story and, more importantly, how those techniques can
translate to other disciplines within theater. Perfect for playwrights,
directors, actors, designers, and audience members.

*Tyler Whidden earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College and
his MFA in Playwriting from Ohio University. His plays include *Occupation:
Dad, Run Kingsbury Run, Dancing With N.E.D*.*, *and he has been teaching
playwriting at College of Wooster, Ohio University, and Southern New
Hampshire University for several years. *

*Directing Fundamentals with “The Hairy Ape” by Eugene O’Neill*

Meets: Saturdays, 10:00am-12:00pm

           Oct. 14th through Nov. 11th (Scripts provided)

Instructor: Ian Wolfgang Hinz, Director of “The Hairy Ape”

This 5 week class is for directors of all levels to dive into the process
of getting a play into rehearsal and on its feet. You will focus on the
upcoming production of “The Hairy Ape” as a class, breaking down the text
to define your individual vision for the piece. Once this is articulated,
you will refine your vision through exercises in design, casting, and other
pre-work. Each director will then work on techniques for communicating
their vision throughout the rehearsal process and tech to opening night!
Each class will mirror the process of Ensemble’s production of “The Hairy
Ape” culminating in tech weekend and including 2 free tickets to opening
night November 17th at 8pm.
*Ian Hinz has been directing with Ensemble since 2008, including *Sexual
Perversity in Chicago, Waiting for Lefty, Jerusalem, *and O'Neill's* Iceman
*which won him the Cleveland Critic's Circle Award for Best Direction. *

*Auditioning Technique and Practice*

Meets: Saturdays, 12:00pm-2:00pm

             Oct. 14th through Nov. 11th (5 classes)

Instructor: Celeste Cosentino, Artistic Director

This class will explore successful techniques for auditioning and getting
cast using a variety of disciplines to further develop and sharpen acting
instincts. Participants will work on monologues for general auditions and
will read pre-chosen sides with readers to complement their work. Students
can bring in existing pieces they want to improve upon or we can start from
scratch. Gain confidence with this exploration of best practices to hone
your auditioning skills. The class will culminate with a presentation in
front of a panel of local Cleveland directors. Independent outside work is
a required component of this class.
*Celeste Cosentino has been the Executive Artistic Director of Ensemble
since 2009, and she has directed several plays since then. Her directing
credits include *Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, The Gospel According to
James, Animals Out of Paper, Beyond the Horizon, Well, *and this
season's* *upcoming
*Angels in America, Parts 1 & 2*.*

info at ensemble-theatre.org
2843 Washington Blvd.  Cleveland Hts., OH 441118
216-321-2930 <(216)%20321-2930>/216-202-0938 <(216)%20202-0938>
*www.ensembletheatrecle.org <http://www.ensembletheatrecle.org>*
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