[NEohioPAL] Review of "Marjorie Prime" at Dobama Theatre

Bob Abelman r.abelman at roadrunner.com
Sat Oct 14 15:42:34 PDT 2017

Dobama’s ‘Marjorie Prime’ brimming with intelligence, 

artificial and otherwise

Bob Abelman

Cleveland Jewish News, The News Herald, The Morning Journal

Member, International Association of Theatre Critics

“Siri?  Google ‘artificial intelligence’ and the seemingly innocuous but increasingly integral role technology plays in our daily lives.” 

According Kevin Kelly, the founding executive editor of Wired magazine, technology wants what life itself wants: Increasing opportunity, increasing emergence, increasing sentience, and increasing ubiquity.  

Jordan Harrison’s 2014 Pulitzer prize-nominated play “Marjorie Prime,” currently on stage at Dobama Theatre, is such a story.  It offers us a not-too-distant future where technology’s opportunity, emergence, sentience, and ubiquity have been fully realized.  

The play centers on the notion that our memory of the past is the cornerstone of our consciousness, singularity and identity.  What are we, it asks, when our memory begins to fail due to old age and deteriorating health, and the stories of our lives fade with it?  What is left of us when our life’s narrative leaves us?

For more of this article, go to www.clevelandjewishnews.com/columnists/.
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