[NEohioPAL] LAND OF CLEVE REVIEW: 'In the Closet' Offers an Insightful and Accessible Look at Life at convergence-continuum

Cleve Land inthelandofcleve at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 09:23:23 PDT 2017

*'In the Closet' Offers an Insightful *
*and Accessible Look at Life *
*at convergence-continuum*

Produced at convergence-continuum as part of a rolling world premiere with
The Rainbow Theater Project in Washington, DC, *In the Closet* is an
insightful and accessible look at one man's struggle to accept himself and
his sexual identity at different stages of his life. Playwright Siegmund
Fuchs' has cleverly structured the show so that those who know the
secret behind his unique premise will enjoy the show just as much as those
who slowly figure out the character relationships throughout the first act.

Cory Molner does an impressive job as director of the play, offering visual
and verbal clues that subtly uncover the truth behind this mysterious
meeting of four men. Molner has also assembled the perfect cast, carefully
guiding his actors to give natural, nuanced performances. The compelling
quartet includes Clyde Simon, Jason Romer, Mike Frye, and David
Lenahan. Fuchs' comic confrontations and dramatic revelations offer each of
them a chance to display a wide range of emotions...

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