[NEohioPAL] BENT Auditions @ Beck Center Announced

Scott Spence scottdavidspence at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 11:23:42 PST 2017

Beck Center in Lakewood, OH announces auditions for Martin Sherman's
*BENT *directed
by Oberlin Professor of Theatre Matthew Wright.

Audition appointments will be taken beginning Tuesday, Dec. 26th at 2PM by
calling the Beck Box Office at 216-521-2540 x10

*Appointments will be taken for Saturday, January 13th beginning at 3PM ~~~
and Sunday, January 14th beginning at 6PM.*

Callbacks may occur later Sun Eve. (the 14th),  or Monday evening , Jan.
15th. If you sign up for the Sunday the 14th, please be prepared to stay if

Mr. Wright will be employing a cast of 7 for this production {breakdown
below}. It is anticipated that up to 2 AEA contracts will be available for
this production (Special Appearance Tier One). All performers 18 and older
receive a stipend for their participation.


 *Max*: 30’s, fit, gay but passes straight, complex relationship to his
identity, determined to survive whatever the price, fashionable,
sophisticated, comes from money.

 *Rudy*: 20’s, dancer, more flamboyant than Max, sensitive, loves Max
probably far more than Max loves him.

 *Greta*: 30’s-40’s, drag performer, acerbic, cynical, lives outside the
club as straight

 *Horst*: 20’s, activist for queer recognition/rights, intellectual, a
nurse by day

 *Ensemble of three men: 20s-50’s, will play a number of important roles,

·         Wolf: ununiformed Nazi, denizen of the “leather” scene

·         Freddie: Max’s older uncle, a closeted “poof,” fashionable and

·         Nazi Captain: power-mad, abusive

·         Guard: officious, dislocated from the human degradation
surrounding him

·         Various prisoners, Nazis, etc.


 Please prepare a contemporary monologue, not longer than 90 seconds in
duration. Callbacks will involve reading from the script, and it is
expected that all actors will have a working familiarity with it. There
will also be a movement call during callbacks.


 It is essential that all actors involved in this production be precise,
involved story-tellers with excellent command of their bodies. The whole
ensemble of actors will be engaged in choreographed “scene-changes” and
will bear witness to the action of the play throughout. Changes in
character for the men in the ensemble will be accomplished minimalistically
and rely on strong physical characterization.

 The director very much hopes to cast the play with an eye to diversity,
including consideration of non-binary individuals, people of all races and
trans men.
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