[NEohioPAL] Flying Monkeys, Baby Audrey IIs, Mattresses and More

Jennifer Wertz jwertz720 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 19:25:24 PST 2018

9:00 to Noon

Huron Playhouse is clearing out its warehouse and everything must go!

We've sold a lot already but we keep finding more gems to sell off:
-- Wizard of Oz Flying Monkeys and Munchkin flower hats
-- Dozens of Baby Audrey II in flower pots
-- 1950s cafeteria trays
-- loads of fabric, wigs, eyeglasses, shoes, hats
-- prom dresses and costumes
-- stage makeup
-- a dozen red Chinese paper umbrellas and lanterns (Anyone doing Mikado?)
-- 50 used twin mattresses (Anyone doing Once Upon a Mattress or Annie?)
-- platforms and flats

And so much more!

Warehouse located at 607 Main St., Huron

Email jwertz720 at gmail.com for more info.
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