[NEohioPAL] 8 Days until GYPSY Auditions! {Beck summer show features great adult and kid roles, including non-singing tracks}

Scott Spence scottdavidspence at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 12:01:41 PST 2018

 Beck Center in Lakewood is thrilled to announce open call auditions for
our Summer 2018 production of.....

                                                 *  GYPSY*
                                * Book by Arthur Laurents*
*                                       Music by Jule Stein*
*                               Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim*

Considered by many to be THE gold standard of American Musical Theatre,
*GYPSY* spins the tale of a time where the death of Vaudeville was
imminent, and its much more lascivious cousin Burlesque was poised to take
the reins. Mama Rose is determined to vicariously live the star-branded
life she never had through daughters June and Louise as they go from town
to town searching for their big breaks. Once it finally happens for Louise
(having adopted the stripper persona of Gypsy Rose Lee) Rose's life begins
to crumble as she comes to terms with the answer to 'Who was it all for?'

Director Scott Spence, Musical Director Larry Goodpaster and Choreographer
Martin Cespedes are seeking a diverse company of actors, singers and
dancers to give light to this masterpiece of Musical Theatre.

*Open Call Auditions will occur at the following times, and appointments
can be made by calling the Beck Center Box Office at 216-521-2540 x10
<(216)%20521-2540> during normal business hours.*

*                         Sunday February 18th {6PM to 9PM}*
*                        Monday February 19th {6PM to 9PM}*

*GYPSY* is one of those rare musicals that feature BOTH singing and
non-singing roles. So--- if you are a character actor/non-singer who has
been seeking opportunities in Musical Theatre, this could be your chance!
It is also a show that caters to a wide age range {9 to 75}. All actors 18
and older receive a stipend for their participation. It is anticipated that
Two AEA contracts will be offered {SPT---Small Professional Theatre
Contract}.* EMC (Equity Members Candidacy) Points/Weeks ARE available for
this production! (likely 11 or 12 total)*

*                                            Performances*
                                *{July 6th through August 12th}*
*                                         Rehearsals Begin*
                                  * {Approximately May 26th}*

                                           *What To Prepare*

If you are auditioning for a singing role, please prepare one brief song
(60 to 90 seconds) ideally from the Musical Theatre canon. Bring sheet
music in your key. An accompanist will be provided for you. If auditioning
ONLY for non-singing tracks, please either prepare a brief (60 seconds is
fine) monologue *OR* be prepared to sight read a provided piece at your
audition. Any dance for the show will be done as part of the *callback
process, which will be the weekend of Feb. 24/25, times TBD.*


For specific role info, go to our website at:

*If you have any further questions, please direct them to Scott
at scottdavidspence at gmail.com <scottdavidspence at gmail.com>. *
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