[NEohioPAL] Headshots Special - 4 Days Left

Gregory Pendolino gregory.pendolino at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 07:08:51 PST 2018

Let's make you famous!
I have put together new rate plans that gives you more for your money. 
You can benefit from these new plans but still pay the old rates if you book before 2-14-18.
Here are my rates:
$125 ($100 until 2-14-18) for one client on location (outdoor setting)
$190 ($150 until 2-14-18) for two clients on location (You're only paying $75 each!)
I will now include three worked up photos per session (six on a two person session) with additional photos available at just $20 each. 
Your low resolution proofs will be emailed to you within 48 hours of our session.
You will have a secure place on my website to download your full resolution photos for at least 90 days with an option to purchase additional time.
For complete details on my rates please click the link below.
I'm sure if you're involved in film or theater in Northeast Ohio we already have quite a few common friends so please feel free to like me on Facebook or follow me on Instagram.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gregory.Pendolino

While the social media links are the best place to see all of my latest photos you can see some of my client headshots here:


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