Jonathan Chiarle chiarle30 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 11:43:08 PST 2018

Seeking male actor in early 20s, slim to average body type, for dramatic
lgbtq short film. Filming will take place in Kent, OH late February or
early March. Ideally we're looking to cast an actual lgbtq actor, but
taking any submissions at this time. Actor will be needed for one day and
one evening. Partial nudity is required for the role, nothing explicit;
actor must also be comfortable kissing other actors. The finished film will
be submitted to major film festivals. No pay, copy, credit, onset meals and
demo reel footage provided. In lieu of payment we are offering free
headshot and demo reel editing services. Please send recent headshot, demo
reel and resume to Jonathan at foreveradriftproductions at gmail.com Thank You.
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