[NEohioPAL] STAGE MANAGER NEEDED for Gates Mills Players - ASAP

Dale Fant drfant at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 05:21:27 PST 2018

The Gates Mills Players are in the need of a STAGE MANAGER for the current
production of "A Thurber Carnival" being presented Mar 2-10th.


If you are looking to get involved in community theater and like to work
behind the scenes, we could use you.  Our current Stage Manager is not
available for this production and we need to have someone fulfill that role.


If you are interested, please contact James Harris at (440) 729-1426.


Although the Players are normally a volunteer organization, we are willing
to provide a stipend to any one that will assume the role of Stage Manager.


Please contact Jim AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 


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