Mark . markrmayo at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 12:31:15 PST 2018

Come celebrate local independent film with a screening of 4 short films at
Negative Space Gallery.

Titles include,

The Badder Men:  A psychedelic crime drama. Written & directed by Conrad

I'm A Good Boy:  A dark comedy from the point of view of a dog. Written &
directed by Mikhail Tot

That Night:  A heart stopping thriller. Written by Matt Rossman. Directed
by Jerry Sur.

First Impressions: A recollection of a bad date gone really bad. Written &
directed by Renee Nottage.

All films utilizing CLEVELAND AREA LOCAL actors, directors,
cinematographers, & production studios.

Hosted by local film makers Misha Tot of Tot Films and John Spalding.

Event is Friday March 2, 7:30pm at Negative Space Gallery located in the
Asian Plaza at 3820 Superior Ave 2nd floor (E.38 & Superior). Cleveland OH
44114. 216-470-6092.

$5 at the door. Refreshments. BYOspecialB.

Any further questions, contact Mikhail Tot on Facebook.

Come out!  Have fun!  Celebrate local independent film!  Celebrate local
artists!  Celebrate yourself!
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