Newsletter Editor newsletter at songwritersummit.com
Sat Feb 24 03:29:31 PST 2018

The next meeting of the Songwriter Summit (nee: Summit County Songwriter Circle) will be held on March 5th at Two Girls Cafe and Bakery, 3703 Darrow Road in Stow, OH. Our general meeting begins at 7 PM and is usually over by 9 o’clock. Meetings feature presentations of new songs or works in progress offered by members and non-members alike. You do not need to be a member to present a song and you do not need to be a writer to attend the meeting. Members discuss the songs, offer gentle critique and comment as requested by the performer. 

Songwriter Summit exists to connect songwriters throughout the area and has members that often travel from Pennsylvania and West Virginia to attend. Our musical tastes cover a wide variety of genres and styles and all are welcome. 

You can see what a typical meeting looks like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1doIbNi1rX4&feature=youtu.be <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1doIbNi1rX4&feature=youtu.be>

Here’s out website if you need additional information on the group: http://www.songwritersummit.com <http://www.songwritersummit.com/>

Here’s a link to our most recent newsletter: http://www.songwritersummit.com/Newsletters/Feb2018/Feb2018.htm <http://www.songwritersummit.com/Newsletters/Feb2018/Feb2018.htm>

IF YOU PLAN TO PRESENT A SONG: Please provide 20 copies of the lyrics so that members will be able to follow along and make notes during the performance. Lyric sheets will be returned to you and the end of the evening to protect your copyright if requested. You may opt-in to the video we do each month if you desire and if you sign the video release that gives us permission to use your presentation. This is a purely acoustic event. We do not provide sound enhancement of any kind. If you play a keyboard or other instrument that requires amplification you are responsible for your own gear. 

Check us out. We meet on the first Monday of every month and would love to see you at our next meeting. 
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