[NEohioPAL] Choose YOUR Best Picture Winner

Donald Butchko donaldbutchko at icloud.com
Fri Mar 2 05:38:55 PST 2018

Here are the results. Thanks to all who participated!


Donald Butchko
donaldbutchko at icloud.com

On Feb 27, 2018, at 07:15 AM, Donald Butchko <donaldbutchko at icloud.com> wrote:


I am a big fan of this NEohioPAL list and the way it allows such a diverse and passionate community to talk to each other. I thought it would be interesting to poll this community about their Oscar Best Picture favorites, so I created an anonymous Preferential Ballot:


* I do not ask for any personal information, and will have no way of knowing anything about anyone who completes the survey other than the time/date they submit the results

* I am not particularly concerned that participants see all 9 movies. I’m interested in your sense of how you would rank the movies based on whatever know about them.

* I will close the poll on Friday morning and share the results here. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Donald Peter Butchko

donaldbutchko at icloud.com

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