[NEohioPAL] New Episodes of Backstage Buddies, your NEO Arts podcast!

Jason Leupold jasonleupold11 at gmail.com
Tue May 1 12:22:00 PDT 2018

Hello, NEOhioPAL!

Do you enjoy theatre? How about talk about Art and how we create and
consume it, especially in the NEO market? Maybe you'd like some talk about
superheroes and their artistic merits? Perhaps some chatter about social
issues in and around the Arts is enticing, too? And would you enjoy all of
that from the perspective of two area professional performers and goofballs?

If any or all of that sounds like something you'd fancy, then tune
into your NEO Arts podcast: Backstage Buddies! Join Jason Leupold and Joe
Pine each week on Equity Monday as they talk about creating and consuming
art, but with a healthy dose of irreverent silly chatter.

Joe is out of town on an artistic experience for a couple weeks, so Jason
is filling the void with guest hosts! Tune in for episodes with local
academic and theatre practitioner, Sarah Coon, and managing director of
Ohio Shakespeare Festival, Tess Burgler! And of course, be sure to catch up
on all the episodes you've missed with Joe and Jason both at the wheel.

You can subscribe (or just listen) on iTunes here:
Not an iTunes fan? Don't worry, we're also on Google Play:

New episodes are uploaded Mondays (or Tuesdays or Wednesdays - get off our
backs!) and you can find more info, let us know what you want to hear us
talk about, or just get in touch with us below:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1394071373939047/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BackstageBuds
Gmail: backstagebuddiescast at gmail.com
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/backstagebuddies

Thanks so much; we hope you enjoy!

[*Exit, Pursued by a Bear*]
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