[NEohioPAL] Audition Notice

william morgan imthemorgan at hotmail.com
Thu May 3 08:54:14 PDT 2018

Here's information for an audition notice.  Do I need to do anything special to make sure it gets posted?

For immediate release:

With a project support grant from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, SignStage of the Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center and their partnering organization, The Academy for the Performing Arts in Chagrin Falls are pleased to announce auditions for the upcoming Deaf Theatre Production of: The Ugly Duckling Doesn’t Quack.  Performance dates are September 14th, 15th and 16th, 2018.

Directed by Bill Morgan and adapted from the Hans Christian Anderson children’s story The Ugly Duckling, The Ugly Duckling Doesn’t Quack is a Deaf Theatre production that will be performed in American Sign Language and spoken English simultaneously.  Deaf and Hearing audiences will see and hear every line.  We like to say, “You’ll see things you’ve never heard.”

Auditions will be held at The Academy for the Performing Arts at Chagrin Falls High School, 400 East Washington St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022.  Auditions are on May 15th from 4 – 7pm.  Wear comfortable clothing.  Those who audition will be asked to show creative movement, mime techniques and facial expressions as part of the audition process.

We are looking for Deaf and Hearing adult actors of High School age or older.  Knowledge of sign language is not required.  If you are cast and do not already know ASL, we will teach you the signs to your lines.  We will be creating an ensemble cast of 6-8 deaf and hearing actors who may perform more than one role in the production.

Actors are strongly encouraged to attend the audition date but… if you cannot attend the scheduled date or would like additional information, please call Bill Morgan at 216-325-7559.  He will provide you with a mutually agreeable time and location to… “Show your stuff!”

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