[NEohioPAL] LAND OF CLEVE REVIEW: Queen's 'We Will Rock You' is Given the Royal Treatment at Blank Canvas Theatre

Cleve Land inthelandofcleve at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 10:57:40 PDT 2018

LAND OF CLEVE REVIEW: Queen's *'We Will Rock You'*
is Given the Royal Treatment at *Blank Canvas Theatre*

Blank Canvas Theatre is time-traveling this summer to both the past AND the
future with the professional Cleveland Premiere of *We Will Rock You.*

Director Patrick Ciamacco cranks the volume -- and the intensity -- up to
11 for this latest BCT production. Ciamacco has a knack for taking
lesser-known works and bringing them to vibrant life in the intimate venue.

Ciamacco's cast also earns a standing ovation for their colorful
characterizations and vocal prowess. Danny Simpson and Neely
Gevaart instill determination, humor and hella-good voices into the central
couple who are trying to find answers while trying not to fall in love. In
the same way, Tony Heffner and Kate Michalski display confidence, control
and killer vocals as a pair of bohemians who help them on their journey.
Together, this crazy-talented quartet proves that the heart of rock 'n'
roll really is in Cleveland...


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