[NEohioPAL] Auditions: UA Theatre's Fall Mainstage Production of Big Love

Arts Administration administration.arts at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 12:38:17 PDT 2018

The University of Akron School of Dance, Theatre, and Arts Administration
is looking for students and community members to audition for the Fall
Theatre Mainstage production, *Big Love*, by Charles Mee, directed by James
Slowiak. *Big Love *is a contemporary retelling of Aeschylus’ *The
Suppliants*, long thought to be the oldest surviving play script. With a
bold physical approach, characters breaking into pop songs, and provocative
themes, the comic tale of 50 brides running away from their 50 grooms
promises to be a rich and rollicking adventure for both actors and

Rehearsals will begin Sunday, September 9 and performance dates are October
25 to November 3, 2018. Expect to rehearse Sunday through Thursday evenings
for 3 to 4 hours.


Please prepare to perform 2-3 minutes of your best karaoke number (bring
your own music) or, like on “America’s Got Talent,” recite a poem, sing a
song, dance, perform magic, do a monologue or comedy routine – anything you
do well! You may be asked to move and to work with other members of your
audition group. Please also come prepared to write down all of your
schedule conflicts.


Sandefur Theatre, Guzzetta Hall, The University of Akron, Buchtel Ave.

(Across the street from E.J. Thomas Hall)


Tuesday, September 4, 6-8pm (Theatre Program “Meet and Greet” from 5-6pm)


Wednesday, September 5, 5-7pm

There will be no reserved time slots, so be prepared to stay for the entire
block of time. For more information, call (330) 972-5909 or email
slowiak at uakron.edu


*Graduate Assistant*
School of Dance, Theatre, and Arts Administration
The University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325
Phone: (330) 972.7895

Website: uakron.edu/dtaa <http://www.uakron.edu/dtaa>

Facebook: facebook.com/TheArtsStartHere

Instagram: *instagram.com/artsstarthere/

Twitter: twitter.com/ArtsStartHere
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