[NEohioPAL] An Invitation to Read Three Books by Two Local Authors

Peter Fields peteroctb at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 13:39:40 PDT 2018

Hello, All!

We should all have a quiet reading time for ourselves everyday where we
take  15 minutes to relax and read 10 pages from a book that is of our
favorite genre or topic.  Three good books to start with are:

 *"A Bond of Love" *by Evonne Fields-Gould.  This is a wonderfully crafted
novel which is set against a historical backdrop that connects the
"present" 1990s to the past 1940s, involving WWII, the Tuskegee Airmen, and
the African-American nurses who served their country.  Part love story and
part mystery, “A Bond of Love” is a heart-warming tale that you will not
soon forget.


 *"A Faraway Place"* by Peter Anthony Fields.  This novel for middle
graders is a thrilling and suspenseful fantasy / adventure story with a
page-turning narrative that will not only entertain young readers, but
adult readers, as well.


*"The Unimaginable Now"* by Peter Anthony Fields, is an anthology of four,
short plays that take a bold look into the darker side of the human
existence and asks the question, when we fight against the dark madness
that blankets our society, are we destined to become a part of the darkness
in order to defeat the madness?

Happy reading!


*Peter Anthony Fields*
*(a.k.a., Peter Gould)*
*Official Website <https://peteroctb.wixsite.com/peteranthonyfields>*
*Facebook Professional Page
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