Mark . markrmayo at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 12:17:30 PDT 2018

i would like 2 extend a big 'ol THANK U 2 everyone that attended the world
premier of The Final Goodbye last night (Sunday Sept 9. Capitol Theater).
Ur attendance, interest, & support helped make this a very special &
successful event. Future showings, film festival submissions, etc. of The
Final Goodbye are planned so be on the look out.

Also, i would like 2 extend a very special thank u 2 the "general" audience
4 attending the premier (meaning folks not involved with the film or work
in the performing arts). The performing arts is, at least, a "service
industry". Ur efforts 2 attend, ur attention, & ur interest are a very
important element 2 this intangible art form. 4 as long as i have been
working as an actor, that fact has never escaped me. i hope u, the
audience, realize how important u are. Be it stage, film, music, whatever,
without YOU, ...why are we doing this?

U have & always will have my most humble & appreciative thank u.

Mark Mayo.

The 3rd showing of the very well received local independent film The
Kingsbury Run will be Sunday Oct 7th, 7pm at The Capitol Theater 1390
W.65th St, Cleveland, 216-651-7295. For tickets go 2 the Cleveland Cinemas
or The Capitol Theater website, or visit the Capitol Theater box office.
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