[NEohioPAL] Call for Artists: Utility Box Design Competition

Shaker Arts Council shakerartscouncil at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 23:45:54 PDT 2018

The Shaker Arts Council (SHAC) is sponsoring an *art competition* for the
design of a *utility box* located on the Vintage Development Group’s
Townhomes of Shaker Heights property on Van Aken Boulevard at Sutton and
Onaway Roads.  Designs will be *displayed and judged* at *Painting the
Town,* a gala event being held at the Shaker Country Club *on Friday
evening, October 5, 2018*.  Download the *template and application* here
All designs must be submitted electronically on the template provided.
Designs and applications must be submitted to SHAC via email (
info at shakerartscouncil.org) no later than *Wednesday 3 October at 5pm*.

Applicants must be 21 years or older and live or work in Shaker Heights or
the Shaker Heights School District.  Applicants may submit more than one
(1) design, but each must be submitted in a separate email.  There are no
entry fees.  Artists will retain all copyrights to their artwork.
The artist with the winning entry will receive a $500.00 stipend and have
the work installed.

The displayed works will be anonymous.  *Do not sign your submittal nor
indicate your name on the submitted design document.*  The judges will be
the attendees of the *Painting the Town *gala.  Applicants do not need to
attend the gala.  The winner of the competition will be contacted by SHAC
the following week.

By submitting a design proposal, artists agree to allow SHAC:

   - to display the work at the gala;
   - to use images on printed materials and websites for promotional
   purposes only;
   - to photograph the work.

By submitting a design proposal, the winner of the competition agrees to

   - submit the proposal to the Shaker Heights Architectural Board of
   Review (ABR) and modify the design, if necessary, to meet the requirements
   of the ABR;
   - work with SHAC to tweak the design, as needed, to meet the criteria of
   the installation;
   - allow SHAC and project sponsors to include their logos into the design.

*---Amara Romano*
*Administrative Assistant  **Shaker Arts Council ** shakerartscouncil.org
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