[NEohioPAL] Wanted: Directors (Orrville Community Theater)

Shannah Kurjian shankurj at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 08:40:05 PDT 2018

Directors needed for both adult and children’s shows!

If you are interested in directing with Orrville Community Theater, please send an email to
OrrvillePlayers at gmail.com
Please put “director” in subject line and include your experience with directing and/or acting, stage manager, or other theater experience and other relevant experience (especially if interested in working with children).  
Resumes may be sent but not required. 
Background checks and references may be required if working with children. 

*Orrville Community Theater is a small, non-profit Community Theater. All directors, actors, stage crew, hair/make-up, etc are strictly volunteer. No compensation available. 
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