[NEohioPAL] “Black and Blue Rhapsody” Auditions

sue holland johnson suehollandjohnson at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 15 17:03:20 PDT 2018

“Black and Blue Rhapsody” Auditions

WHO:   Richard Asbury, localplaywright, wants to see his “Black and Blue Rhapsody” project develop intobeing produced and performed as a fully staged production. 

WHAT: Casting Call for reading of Asbury’s 2-Actdrama, to refine and develop its concept, characters, content, and formatvia staged reading Nov. 11, 2018, with full production to follow, spring, 2019. 
SUBMISSION:  Please send Professional Headshot & Talent Resume, to wakeupandlives at gmail.com, byWed. 9/19/2018.  3 – 4 rehearsals for staged reading, usually scheduled for Saturdays andan occasional week day evening.
THE STORY LINE:  Set in a neighborhoodbarber shop. A drama in 2 acts that highlights a look at race relations betweenAfrican Americans and police, covering a span of almost 50 years.  Has anything changed?

CASTING:  Seeking actors whomay be considered for portraying the lead and supporting characters in both thestaged reading and full production. Stipend.


Ace, (Marcus) Johnson.  Talkative, has manyopinions to express, harbors a controlled anger. He seethes with disrespect forWhite people. Ace  wants to earn a lifewith pride and dignity. He wants to learn a trade so he can make his own job.He also wants help to build a strong Black community. He wants to protest andconfront the White man, legally, whenever possible.

GeorgeTate.  Barber shop owner. Ages from 30’s to 70’s,Acts 1 & 2. Doesn’t say a lot. He is an introspective type, and is wise in“the ways of the white man” as taught to him by his father and southernrelatives. He also wants to help his old neighborhood friend, “Ace” Johnson whois an ex-Offender.

Mary Ellen.  Atalkative Letter Carrier, who ages from 20’s to 60’s, Acts 1 & 2, and seesherself as a pioneer and has many opinions to express. Bright, hopeful aboutlife, she hopes to show the “Ole Folks” that white people aren’t so bad.

Gamers1 & 2: 2 noisy, rowdy, laughing teen males who hang out atthe barber shop as they play checkers, dominoes, chess, and actively use their cellphones in the 90’s.

OfficerJohn McDonald:Early40’s.  A  white, controlling, cool, detached, methodical, thirdgeneration police officer. He sees himself as a guardian of the city he callshome from “bad” characters. He sees himself as a cut above Negroes, Mexicansand other minorities.

Officer Kevin Nguyen: Early20’s rookie police officer. Quiet, disciplined, anxious, eager to please, honest.Wants to develop into a great police officer. Tentative in his new patrol carassignment, he wants to keep the local Negroes and Mexicans in their place,quiet, and obedient.  

Officer Hamish McDonald: A tough, no nonsense, impatient,white male early 50’s. He sees himself as a guardian of the city he calls homefrom “bad” characters. He sees himself as a cut above Negroes.

Vincent X: A bright, dignified,enlightened Fruits of Islam leader for the local Nation of Islam mosque. He isa firm believer in the Nation of Islam as the route to salvation for AfricanAmericans. He wants to spread the word for the Nation of Islam to the ignorantBlack masses. He has the message he feels they need.
Sue Johnson      Director: Wake Up And Live’s Actors’ Studio

     Producer: “Wake Up And Live With Arts”      wakeupandlives at gmail.com
RichardAsbury     Playwright / Director     a.z.writer2015 at gmail.com

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