[NEohioPAL] Berko review: AN ACT OF GOD @

Roy Berko royberko at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 13:24:38 PDT 2018


*CAPSULE JUDGEMENT: “Act of God” is one of those funny, funny irreverent
scripts that, while it may offend some, gets a no–holds-barred, must see
fine production at Beck Center for the Arts.  You’ll be upset or leave with
a smile on your face respecting a writer who can come up with a clever way
to confront the ills of the world in a humorous way.*

*To read the entire review go to:  **www.royberko.info*
<http://www.royberko.info>*.  ** To read the capsule judgements of the
other Cleveland reviewers go to:  **www.clevelandtheaterreviews.com*

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