[NEohioPAL] ”Over the River & through the Woods" Opens March 1st at Stow Players!

Ritchey,David dr4 at uakron.edu
Tue Feb 5 17:10:28 PST 2019

Brian, I don't decide what shows to review.  My editor makes that decision.  I suggested to her we include the play you're directing. She needs to check on space and her editor.  The answer isn't  NO but it's not a YES.  We're good at tap-dancing around a topic.
More later.


From: NEohioPAL <neohiopal-bounces at lists.neohiopal.org> on behalf of B W via NEohioPAL <neohiopal at lists.neohiopal.org>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 11:42 AM
To: post at neohiopal.org
Subject: [NEohioPAL] ”Over the River & through the Woods" Opens March 1st at Stow Players!

"Over the River & through the Woods"



Nick Cristano - Tyler Barhorst
Frank Gianelli - Tom Stephan
Aida Gianelli - Barb Howitt
Nunzio Cristano - Ralph Cooley
Emma Cristano - Harriet DeVeto
Caitlin O'Hare - Alison Matas

Performance Dates: March 1st - 16th, Fridays & Saturdays at 8PM; Sundays at 2PM

Location: Stow Players, 5238 Young Rd., Stow, OH 44224

Nick is a single, Italian-American guy from New Jersey. His parents retired and moved to Florida. That doesn't mean his family isn't still in Jersey. In fact, he sees both sets of his grandparents every Sunday for dinner. This is routine until he has to tell them that he's been offered a dream job. The job he's been waiting for—marketing executive—would take him away from his beloved, but annoying, grandparents. He tells them. The news doesn't sit so well. Thus begins a series of schemes to keep Nick around. How could he betray his family's love to move to Seattle, for a job, wonder his grandparents? Well, Frank, Aida, Nunzio and Emma do their level best, and that includes bringing to dinner the lovely—and single—Caitlin O'Hare as bait…
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