[NEohioPAL] Fall classes at The Center for Applied Drama and Autism

Wendy Duke wendy at centerforada.org
Wed Sep 11 11:12:31 PDT 2019

Looking for a fun activity for your child on the autism spectrum?  We offer
theatre classes for all abilities on Saturdays throughout the year. Our
classes enhance communication skills while promoting creative
collaboration. Our instructors are trained in specific techniques to help
students on the spectrum succeed in class and in life.

Class size is small, so be sure to register right away. For anyone who is
interested but not sure how their child will take to theatre classes,
please contact us and arrange for a visit/observation.  Cost is $260/10

The Center for Applied Drama and Autism is located at 1501 S Hawkins Ave,
Akron OH 44320. Our fall session begins Sept 14 and goes through Nov 23.
Contact us via email: info at centerforada.org, office phone:  234-678-7830 or
check out our web site:  centerforada.org

Fall 2019 Schedule


Ages 8-13

Saturdays 9 am - 10 am

10 weeks, $260

Instructors: Wendy Duke & Laura Valendza

For young people who enjoy role play and acting out stories, with

a focus on adventure tales, superheroes and sidekicks, animal

trickster tales and a wee bit of Shakespeare


For all ages and abilities

Saturdays 10:15 am - 11:15 am

10 weeks, $260

Instructors: Ruben Ryan and Brandon Meeker

Our improv class encourages collaboration, curiosity and creativity.

Our instructors create a fun and supportive environment that allow

the participants to explore, develop, and succeed using the art of

 theatre improvisation.


Ages 14-22

Saturdays 11:30pm - 12:30pm

10 weeks, $260.00

Instructors: Wendy Duke & Laura Valendza

For young people on the spectrum who are getting ready for a

transitional time in their lives, moving from middle school

to high school to college to career. Through work on a collaborative

theatre project, participants will be rehearsing the skills they will

 need in real life as well as the stage.

*Inclusive and diverse — for young people of all abilities

**Designed for young people with autism specifically
*Wendy Duke*
Co-Founder, *The Center for Applied Drama and Autism*
Program Director, *Theatre on the Spectrum Adult Day Company, Ardmore Inc*

email: wendy at centerforada.org <laura at centerforada.org>
telephone: 330.687.4177
web: centerforada.org
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