[NEohioPAL] Science Series Host Wanted!

Executive Director madvistaproductions at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 06:15:33 PDT 2019

Seeking a charismatic, energy-filled (wacky is good, too!) individual to
host a multimedia Science series.

You don’t have to be a science whiz, as long as you’re not sciencephobic.
Everything you’ll need to know will be scripted out for you and you can
always add your own two ions to the pot!

Here’s the submission process: send us a video of you presenting a
science-oriented activity. It doesn’t have to be long (maybe, a minute or
two), it doesn’t even have to be accurate – we just want to get a feel for
your on-screen style. We really don’t care how young or old you are --
though, wacky, wonderful and wild are preferred. Shoot it with your phone,
don’t worry about lighting or sound quality – just do your thing!

Yes, we could have sent this out in the traditional casting call style,

Here’s where to send the link to your submission:
MADVistaProductions at gmail.com

By the way it will be pretty important that you are local to the Northeast
Ohio area.
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