Valerie Salstrom info at gethepswing.com
Thu Sep 12 09:19:29 PDT 2019

Get Hep Swing presents - A swing dance party with our favorite big band - The Skatch Anderssen Orchestra

When? Friday, September 13th from 8 pm - 12 am

Where? The Lakewood Masonic Temple, 15300 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio 44107

Dance lessons? Yes. Join us for a jitterbug lesson that is appropriate for dancers of all levels from 8-9 with Get Hep Swing owner and swing dance champion, Valerie Salstrom. 

You do not need to bring a dance partner for the lessons or the dance. We rotate partners during the lesson. If you prefer not to rotate dance partners, we are okay with that too. 

Band? The Skatch Anderssen Orchestra from Cleveland, Ohio

In the tradition of the great large Jazz ensembles of the last half of the 20th century, the Skatch Anderssen Orchestra began carving its own niche into the Northeast Ohio area musical landscape around 1990. This powerhouse 17-piece big band performs the music of Basie, Ellington, Buddy, Thad & Mel, Maynard, Kenton, Woody and many more. You'll hear some fantastic music that you won't find anywhere else.

Bandleaders Eric Dregne and Scott McKee's intention is to enlist the finest musicians for the SAO to guarantee you will hear a high-powered, high-quality performance of many of the tunes you know (and some you may not but, are sure to enjoy) with the mindset of playing a wide array of music and featuring the best possible musicians in the area. 


Who may attend? EVERYONE is welcome! Come and listen to the band, hang out, take the dance lesson, dance a little, socialize. Please invite your friends!

What do I wear? Wear comfortable shoes that allow you to pivot and turn easily. 
Attire is casual and comfy. Wear what makes you feel good about yourself.

What is the cost? $12 per person. $5 for first-time attendees. No pre-event ticket sales. Pay cash at the door. 

We welcome anyone to join us who has an interest in dance, music, socializing and fun. We don't care what your physical ability or size is, where you are in life, where you are on the spectrum of sexual or gender orientation, what color or creed, or non-creed, you are. Are you a man who wants to learn how to follow or a woman who wants to learn how to lead? That's cool! This idea is not new to the swing dance scene. We are the easiest club to join. If you have an interest, you are in. Basically, we aren't jerks, if you are, stay home. :)

We love spreading the gospel of swing dancing and we are excited to share the language and culture of this truly American, urban folk dance form with you. It is important for us to let you know that this dance style started in the African-American ballrooms of Harlem, New York in the late 1920s/early 1930s. Yes, we do pay homage to vintage swing dance forms however, our way of thinking and actions are progressive, liberal, and very open-minded. You will find swing dancing incredibly expressive, empowering, beautiful, and joyful. We can't wait for you to experience this conversation of dance with us. 

We make learning to partner dance easy and enjoyable. Please join us the second Friday of every month at the Lakewood Masonic Temple and the last Saturday of every month at The Lithuanian Club.

Please see www.GetHepSwing.com for the most up to date information on dances, bands playing at the dances, classes, private lessons, in-school and after-school residencies and programs, performances, and special topic workshops.

For more info, please email Valerie Salstrom; the owner of Get Hep Swing, at info at gethepswing.com
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