[NEohioPAL] Two Young Actors still needed for "Beck Center's "Member of the Wedding"

Scott Spence scottdavidspence at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 11:55:59 PDT 2019

"*The Member of the Wedding* " Director Eric Schmeidl is seeking two more
teen actors for Beck Center's Studio Theatre production of this Carson
McCuller classic.

One male and one female, ages 13/14 in appearance, are sought.

Barney MacKean is a good looking 13 year old boy who should appear athletic
enough to play on his school football team.

Doris should be 13 or 14, and not taller than 5'4".

Both have a small handful of lines, and appear only once or twice within
the play....so the rehearsal schedule can be streamlined. The show is
currently in rehearsal.

Actors will need to be available for tech weeks and performances, and as
much as possible the week leading into tech week. We can negotiate some
schedules for that week prior to tech, which is Sept. 22nd thru 28th.
Availability sooner is a plus!!

Tech week will be Sept. 29th thru Oct. 3rd (with Monday Sept. 30th being an
off day)

Performances begin Friday, Oct. 4th and continue thru Sunday Nov. 3rd.
Performances are ONLY on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons.

If you are interested in being seen for either of these roles, or have any
questions, please write Beck Center Artistic Director Scott Spence at
scottdavidspence at gmail.com or scotts at beckcenter.org  You will receive a
prompt reply.
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