[NEohioPAL] TRIBUNAL by Mark Milo Kessler | September 18

Playwrights Local playwrightslocal at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 16:10:33 PDT 2019

Playwrights Local Presents
A Free Staged Reading


*Written by Mark Milo KesslerDirected by Christine McBurney*

*Wednesday, September 18 at 7:00 pm*

Free with no tickets or reservations required
Open to the public | Recommended for adults & teens


*Synopsis:* Following his combat service in World War II, lawyer Richard
Parkman joins the prosecution team at the Nuremberg Trial. Melanie
Ferguson, a hard-edged war correspondent, drags refugee and linguist Arthur
Borovitz to Parkman because she knows the Tribunal is desperate for
translators. When Dr. Hannelore Schneider tries to rob him one night,
Arthur offers her a job helping him translate documents. Hannelore is a
devout Nazi, but she is also an intellectual. Parkman, increasingly
desperate to understand how such cultured people could commit such horrible
acts, summons her for interrogation. The experience leaves him with a
crushing responsibility, including a secret that propels him into a future
that promises to be nearly unbearable.

Playwrights Local
Creative Space at Waterloo Arts
397 East 156th Street | Cleveland, OH 44110

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