[NEohioPAL] Theatre Job Postings.

Ashley Pippin apippin710 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 08:39:55 PDT 2019

Genesis Experience Theatre  Job Posting

Genesis’ mission and vision consist of helping people of all ages
experience God’s truth and love through theatre. Working through the five
senses and our WORD, WORK, WITNESS plan, Genesis seeks to inspire the Akron
community while teaching adults and children to pursue God while learning
theatre concepts.  Genesis is planning on achieving our purpose by creating
partnerships within the community to create theatre opportunities to those
who specifically 1.) Do not know God or those who have a minimal
relationship with God., 2.) Do not have financial access to theatre., 3.)
Love both God and theatre & share the desire to enjoy them equally.

**Job Posting:

Social Media Intern-Minimum of 12 hours per week.

Director of Marketing

Community Liaison

Genesis is a new & upcoming theatre company. We are looking for people who
have a passion for children, God, and the community. The above positions
are volunteer positions. We are currently in the process of applying for
funding. There will be many opportunities for love offerings/compensation
along the way. J

Any inquires, please email: apippin710 at gmail.com; I will send a description
of positions individually. Please visit the website www.gentheatre.org,
email or call 216-965-9804 for more information.
Humbly In God's Love,
Mrs. Ashley Pippin
Founder/Executive Director
Genesis Experience Theatre
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