[NEohioPAL] IMPORTANT: How to avoid getting bounced off of the Neohiopal list...

Fred Sternfeld fredsternfeld at neohiopal.org
Sat Sep 14 08:02:39 PDT 2019

Hello All,

Today almost 200 hotmail accounts got bounced. I just finished reactivating

This issue plagues roadrunner accounts and few others as well.

Why does this happen?

Some email services set up firewalls and whitelists and will bounce email
addresses they think are spam.

Several things you can do in the future to avoid this...

IF you see any Neohiopal mail in your spam folder BE SURE to move it to
your inbox before deleting it so you can "train" your service that those
emails are acceptable. If you don't do that, then you are telling your
email service that those email are indeed spam.

An even better solution is to use a gmail account because to the best of my
knowledge those have never had any problems with bouncing.

Fred Sternfeld
Neohiopal Ltd. Owner and Administrator

fredsternfeld at neohiopal.org
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