[NEohioPAL] Review of "Glengarry Glen Ross" at the Beck Center for the Arts

Bob Abelman r.abelman at roadrunner.com
Sat Sep 14 21:09:40 PDT 2019

Beck Center’s ‘Glengarry Glen Ross’ is a remarkable thing

Bob Abelman

Cleveland Jewish News, The News Herald, The Morning Journal

David Mamet’s 1984 Pulitzer Prize-winning “Glengarry Glen Ross,” on stage at the Beck Center for the Arts, is a most intriguing play. For it possesses no characters we care about yet results in a production we are glued to.

Yes I know, this last sentence starts with a conjunction and ends with a proposition. Get used to it, because the two hours of “Glengarry Glen Ross” is filled with Mamet-speak that creates absolutely captivating dialogue out of tough talk void of grammatical eloquence, interrupted fragmentary utterances consisting of little more than ifs and buts, and frequent rapid-fire profanity.  It is spoken by a roomful of genuinely unlikable characters imbued with toxic, unbridled testosterone and deeply-rooted anger management issues, who say a lot but never what they mean and never to fruition.

It is a remarkable thing.

 For more of this review, go to: www.clevelandjewishnews.com/columnists/bob_abelman/
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