[NEohioPAL] Playwriting/Creative Writing Tutor

Tim Collingwood tc71087 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 07:23:10 PDT 2020

Even amid these trying times, there is still creativity within us. As an
emerging playwright, I can help you find your voice in your written work. I
can encourage you to explore beyond what you have already explored in your
work. I can offer constructive feedback to develop your work further, based
on goals you have for the play, short story, and novel you are writing. If
the work just needs to be read by someone else, I can offer that as well.
Fleshing out your literary voice and encouraging it to grow is important to
me. If you would like to be tutored, please respond to this email.

Sessions can be made on Zoom, Jitsi, or Facebook video through Messenger.

$15/session, sliding scale as necessary. Once a session is set up, details
to pay will be discussed.

Tim Collingwood is a local actor, playwright, writer, and stage manager in
the Cleveland area. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre and
English from Cleveland State University in 2010. His plays have been
workshopped at Cleveland Public Theatre in their Entry Point series in 2019
and Leap/Conceive series in 2012, Talespinner Children’s Theatre’s
PLAYground series in 2019,  the Manhattan Project: Cleveland in 2017,
OddyTheatreLab in 2011 . He is a member of Cleveland Public Theatre’s Dark
Room monthly workshops. From 2015-2016, he was a member of Ensemble
Theater’s Stagewrights program. He has written articles for Howlround on
disability justice in theatre  in 2019 and 2017 and has an essay in the
recently published book Diversity, Inclusion, and Representation in
Contemporary Dramaturgy: Case Studies From the Field.
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