[NEohioPAL] Jovialities Entertainment Goes Online

J. R. Simons simonsjr1965 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 21:10:42 PDT 2020

THE JOVIALITIES ENTERTAINMENT CO., LTD., in order to provide continuing 
murder mystery entertainment, will be presenting an online murder 
mystery for your entertainment pleasure.

WHEN: Saturday, September 26, 2020 at 7PM

WHAT: /Too Many Chefs Spoil the Soup!/

WHERE: delivered via a Zoom Meeting

HOW DO I GET TICKETS: Follow this link - https://bit.ly/3aMsN58 - (or 
copy and paste it into your browser) to the Eventbrite page for this event.

HOW MUCH ARE TICKETS: $15 each. Spaces are limited to 90 tickets, but 
each ticket is a GROUP ticket, so you can purchase one ticket and invite 
as many people as you are comfortable inviting into your home to view 
the event. However, each ticket will only get one (1) guess for solving 
the Whodunit?

After purchasing your ticket, you will be provided a Zoom meeting link 
code and a password to enter the event. Guessing forms will be sent out 
in advance and collected at the end of the mystery via a Google Form and 
tabulated the night of the event for a prize TBA.

Thank you for your past patronage, and we look forward to future 
patronage via both online platforms and eventual live performances again 
in the future.

JR Simons


The Jovialities Entertainment Co., Ltd.

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